
Malocclusion is the inability of the teeth to intelock properly during chewing and swallowing. Angle’s classification of malocclusion looks at the relationship of maxillary and mandibular teeth.

OM therapists can promote proper oral posture (tongue resting against the palate), lip seal, normalized nasal breathing, correct the muscular freeway space, and eliminate oral habits.
However the time of intervention is crucial. A young child may have the occlusion naturally normalized while a grown adult may require orthodontics to correct it.

Without addressing the underlining muscle dysfunctions, orthodontic relapses are possible. Other problems related to severe untreated malocclusions are insufficient nasal breathing, OSA, TMD and facial pain, periodontal disease, esthetic problems, self image issues, and digestive problems.

19. Malocclusion
–Yamaguchi H & Sueishi K. Malocclusion associated with abnormal posture. Bull. Tokio Dent. Coll. May 2003, 44(2):43-54.
–Gorgulu S, Sagdıc D, Akin E, Karacay, Bulakbası SN. Tongue movements in patients with skeletal Class III malocclusions evaluated with real-time balanced turbo eld echo cine magnetic resonance imaging. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop; 2011. 139:e405-e414.
–Zardetto CG, Rodrigues CR, Stefani FM. E ects of di erent paci ers on the primary dentition and oral myofunctional structures of preschool children. Pediatric Dentistry. 2002. Nov-Dec 24(6):552-560.