Lip Tie
Lip-tie also called a restricted labial or buccal frenum, is an embryologic remnant of tissue, also called mid-line deficiency, which may restrict normal lip function.
The OMT has been trained to develop a lip seal and habitu- ate proper function of the orbicularis muscle and peri-oral muscles. If the patient presents with lip-tie, after attempts to stretch the tissue are unsuccessful, normal functions are restricted and the therapist will refer the patient to have the restriction removed. Immediately following the proce- dure, the therapist will re-pattern the muscles and function.
An untreated short upper lip may create an open mouth at rest position where malocclusion and periodontal disease are more likely to develop.
6. Lip Tie
–de Souza Pinto EB. Relationship between tip nasal muscles and the short upper lip. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2003. Sep- Oct;27(5):381-7. Epub 2003 Nov 14.
–Kotlow LA. Diagnosing and understanding the maxillary lip-tie (superior labial, the maxillary labial frenum) as it relates to breastfeeding. J Hum Lact. 2013 Nov;29(4):458-64. doi: 10.1177/0890334413491325. Epub 2013 Jul 2.