Forward Head Posture

A forward head posture (FHP) is when the head is not properly aligned on the neck and shoulders but it’s positioned forward, changing the center of gravity of the head and then of the whole body.

Awareness of the head position is the first step. Neuropsychological and behavioral techniques are implemented to make the person aware of his/her posture at rest, during chewing and swallowing.

Because the head is heavy, any degree of chronic positioning away from the center line of the body causes significant muscle strain to head, neck, shoulders and hips and impinges on airways. Over time the strain causes pain, then physiological changes then anatomical changes to bones, muscles, fascia and connective tissues.

32. Forward Head Posture (FHP) and General Posture
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–Korbmacher H, Koch LE, Kahn-Nieke B. Orofacial myofunctional disorders in children with asymmetry of the posture and locomotion apparatus. International Journal of Orofacial Myology, 2005. Nov 31:26-38.
–Gonzalez, HE, & Manns A. Forward Head Posture: Its Structural and Functional In uence on the Stomatognathic System: A conceptual study. e Journal of Craniomand Prac. 1996. 1(14): 71-79.