Craniofacial Development

Unlike genetic malformations such a cleft palate or afacial dysmorphosis, the chronic impact of OMDs causes changes in the growth a development of the craniofacial complex, with malocclusions, restricted maxilla, small jaw and changes in the head position and in orofacial functions such as chewing, swallowing and speech.

OMT aims to prevent the formation of cranio-facial dysfunctions by testing babies for a tongue tie; assessing and restoring proper nasal breathing (in absence of allergies or obstructions); identifying signs of sleep disorders; stabilizing the mandible to support tongue function; and normalizing orofacial functions such as tongue and lips resting position, chewing and swallowing.

There is reciprocal influence of structures (bones, teeth, cartilages, muscles) and functions (nasal breathing, swallowing, chewing). Poor functions influence the growth of the structures, which in turn change or limit the proper functions. The result is an unfavorable growth and development of the face and mouth, often creating the need for maxillofacial surgery and extensive orthodontic treatments, or prolonged pain and discomfort.

24. Craniofacial Growth and Development
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