Cavities and Gum Disease

Infectious diseases such as caries and periodontal diseases can compromise oral health. Colonizing bacteria form a complex community that adheres to tooth surfaces and form a biofilm, commonly called plaque. Because ingredients in saliva contains components that can directly attack bacteria, if a patient is mouth breathing or has a poor lip seal, the biofilms may become more virulent.

OM therapists can promote nasal breathing, lip seal, eliminate tongue thrust and low tongue rest position, promote or stimulate chewing, promote proper swallowing and use the tongue to clean the teeth and the oral cavityfromfoodresidue. Properchewingandswallowing, along with proper diet and oral habit elimination can be of aid to management of oral health.

When the underlining causes of teeth and gum diseases are not addressed, tooth loss, periodontal diseases and gum recession, may prevail. According to current medical literature, periodontal disease is linked to systemic diseases, patients may be more susceptible to cardio vascular disease, diabetes, digestive disorders and other life threatening problems.

20. Cavities and Gum Disease
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