Joy is founding lecturer with the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT) and a founding board member with the AAMS. She has taught post-
graduate courses in Myofunctional Therapy at universities and hospitals world-wide. Joy wrote a chapter in Sleep Medicine Clinics, a chapter in Sleep-Disorders in Pediatric Dentistry, a chapter in Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, a textbook for Oral Surgeons in 2021 and a children’s book on tongue position as well as many published studies and other chapters in textbooks.
Joy has lectured world-wide and was invited to speak at Grand Rounds at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, to Stanford Sleep Residency program and was the first myofunctional therapist to be on staff at the Pankey Institute. She currently teaches with the Palo Alto school of sleep medicine and taught for 7 years with UCLA dental sleep post-graduate program and the Pedo-Ortho residency. Joy received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the AAPMD (American Academy of Physiologic Medicine and Dentistry) and the Louis Pasteur Award from the AAMS (Association of Applied Myofunctional Sciences) in Rome in 2013.
Joy Moeller has worked in private practice as a myofunctional therapist since 1980. She graduated from the Myofunctional Therapy Institute in Coral Gables, Florida and had an extensive Internship in Orofacial Myology. “Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy must be part of the treatment plan from the beginning.”
Joy has co-authored a book with Linda Krol, RDH, called “Taking It Further, A Guide for Periodontal Therapy.” She has written a children’s book called “Tucker the Tongue Finds His Spot,” now available on Amazon.
Joy is currently on the board of the AAPMD, a multi-disciplinary medical and dental group interested in airway problems.
Contact Information:
Joy L. Moeller, BS, RDH
910 Via de la Paz, Suite 106
Pacific Palisades, California 90272
Phone: (310) 454-4044